The famous gold jewellery the “Bees”!


Gold-plated Bees, KnossosFEBRUARY 2013 – LIKE & SHARE Contest!!!

Part of our 50 years celebrations is a CONTEST that we here at Philippakis Art workshops are running, with one prize for each month for this year 2013 plus one more bonus! This is our 2nd prize, for this first month, the famous gold jewellery the “Bees”, found in the Palace of Knossos in Crete.

A unique and very special gift, to decorate your office and your house or to be offered at a special occasio!

Diamentions: 14smX14cmX7cm – Gold-plate copy

Get into the draw which will be held on February 28, 2013!
Thank you and good luck!

And the Winner is  video