Silver 999° lego-themed penadant

Having fun with Rea!

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Silver 999° lego-themed pendant

Silver 999° lego-themed pendant

Silver 999° lego-themed pendant

Silver 999° lego-themed pendant

We really had too much fun, collaborating and discussing with Ms Rea Toutounzi about at her show “Dream Day” on Channel 9! During our interview, we informed the viewers about the great possibilities and the unique gift ideas, everyone can create with us, turning an old memorable item into a shiny memorabilia!

Rea, being a fan of Lego blocks, said suddenly, “Oh! how nice it would be if I could have a Lego block coated with silver to ware it as a pendant?!” There is a fine idea, I thought, and grasped it right away. I bought immediately a long Lego block which we coated with silver 999° and created this fashionable pendant that strongly reminded us of our childhood.  As a final touch, we engraved her name on the side and arranged to meet her. She was more than excited with the pendant, she wore it immediately and I was really happy too! After some days she posted on my wall a picture of her wearing it, sending us her love and expressing her enthusiasm.

Do you want to create something unique?! Then, wait no more! Make your own Lego-themed fashion statement with an artful jewellery and “build” your own unique style.

With love,
